Raspberry Pi-based Sensorboxes
The heart of these Sensorboxes is pysensorproxy used to schedule, execute and transmit environmental measurements. For the Raspberry Pi (RPi) based Sensorboxes the default Raspbian Operating System is used. Our software, as well as other features, such as mesh networking, remote access via ssh or hardware used in the boxes require further installation of software and configuration. In the first stage common configuration files and custom software are installed using pimod, which allows to reconfigure Raspberry Pi images with an easy, Docker-like configuration file. In the second stage an image is flashed to an SD card and then provisioned for as specific Sensorbox using a templating engine.
Pysensorproxy is a python tool used to schedule, execute and transmit environmental measurements. It is currently targeted to be used with a Raspberry Pi, but will be extended for other sensors an platforms in the future. Pysensorproxy is modularized by supporting various sensors configurable in a yml file.
storage_path: /data # path to save files
sensors: # list of sensors
am2302: # name (choose freely)
type: AM2302 # type (must be in sensorproxy.sensors.*)
pin: 4 # additional configuration parameter
type: PiCamera
img_format: jpeg
The meterings are done according to a configurable schedule.
daytime: # name of the measuring cycle
sensors: # dict of the sensors to be measured
cam: # reference to `cam`, configured in the static config (yml)
res_X: 3280 # image resolution, set according to https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/raspbian/applications/camera.md
res_Y: 2464
adjust_time: 2s # time to adjust to brightness
schedule: # schedule parametes
interval: 30m # measurement is mandatory (max. 24h)
start: 06h # optional, according to local time
end: 22h # optional, according to local time
Stage 1: Image Creation
The goal of the image creation stage is to reproducibly build images for Sensorboxes. To reach this goal, common configuration files, as well as Pifiles (used by pimod) to install custom software are defined in Sensorboxes-Images. The defined images can be build locally, as described in the Readme, or are build and uploaded to GitHub releases using Travis-CI when git tags are pushed to the GitHub repo. The image creation itself happens in different layers, which has the advantage of faster build times.
1. Base
In the base image, common software and configurations for all Sensorbox types are installed:
- Default password (natur) is set
- serial interfaces is enabled
- ssh is configured and enabled
- timezone is set to Europe/Berlin
- installation: wireguard, uhubctl
- automated hostname configuration is added
- RTL8822BU drivers
2. Mesh
Software and configuration for a B.A.T.M.A.N-based mesh, featuring IPv4 auto-configuration using the Raspberry PI serial number.
3. Sensorbox
This layer targets the hardware and software configuration of the actual Sensorboxes (planets and moons), as described in SensorModules. Currently it consists of:
- Enabling hardware: RPi camera, I2C bus, DS3231 real-time clock
- installation: hostapd, dnsmasq, pysensorproxy
Stage 2: Sensorbox provisioning
All common software and configuration for the Sensorboxes is done in stage 1. As some configuration aspects of the Sensorboxes differ from appliance to appliance, these need to be configured per Sensorbox. Also some configuration aspects might need to be private, as passwords. Sensorboxes-Config holds Sensorbox-specific configurations, as well as private information, and thus is not publicly available.
Simple, yet powerful jinja2-based templating for configuration files. It takes one generic input file and a yml file, containing variables in key-value format.
The folder contains a yml for each individual Sensorbox installation. The variables defined in the yml are used in the templating engine
deployment: mof_cst_00008
planet: nature40-sensorbox-9a3fcc8c
moon: nature40-sensorbox-
liftsystem: nature40-liftsystem-
height: 0
gps: [0.0, 0.0]
tel: ""
Configuration folders, e.g.default/planet
All the files inside a configuration folders are processed using generate_config.py and copied into the boot partion of the flashed image.
id: {{ deployment }}_planet
storage_path: /data
In this example {{ deployment }}
will be replaced by the value defined in the deployment file, respectively.
: Flash an image to a device
usage: ./flash.sh <SOURCE_IMG> <DEST_DEV>
: Write configuration filled accordingly to a deployment.
usage: ./configure.sh <DEST_DEV> <TEMPLATE_PATH> <DEPLOYMENT>
: Provision (flash and configure) an SD card.
: Write configuration filled accordingly to a deployment via ssh.
usage: ./remote.sh <TEMPLATE_PATH> <DEPLOYMENT> <SSH_HOST>
: Print wireguard configuration and append to ssh/wireguard config.
usage: ./wireguard.sh <DEPLOYMENT>
: Recreate wireguard configuration for all deployments
usage: ./wireguard-full.sh
RTS with pysensorproxy
As all other non thirdparty sensorboxes the radiotracking stations also work with an build image from pimod and based on pysensorproxy. In this version all above features can also be used and additional features were implemented. The additional features are:
- checking for 4 working radiotracking usb sticks for a valid calculation of the angle of the signal
- checking for a realistic time for better timesync across different stations
- checking for transmitted data of the radiotracking usb stick. At some point in time the sticks are connected and have not thrown any error but they do not transmit data